Metallic Epoxy vs Conventional Materials
Metallic Epoxy vs Conventional Materials
Metallic Epoxy
The Metallic Epoxy vs Conventional Materials include two key, this is a clear base and powder. They mix to form a blend, producing a glossy, nice look effect after complete. Shop here and check out our other services here.
Pour over the Bathroom, or solid top. They move through the floor as it cures and can with a paintbrush or roller to create effects such as swirls, ripples, craters, or waves. When the Bathroom hardens, these powders are in place, resulting in a beautiful, nice look.
Each epoxy Bathroom is special due to the nature of the powder holding. Skill and mind are critical to achieving the appearance and feel of the surface.
Metallic Epoxy Bathroom include two key, this is a clear base and powder. They mix to form a blend, producing a glossy, nice look effect after complete.
The bathroom design ideas, or solid top. They move through the floor as it cures and can with a paintbrush or roller to create effects such as swirls, ripples, craters, or waves. When the Epoxy hardens, these powders are in place, resulting in a beautiful, nice look.
Our Bathroom is special due to the nature of the powder holding. Skill and mind are critical to achieving the appearance and feel of the surface.
Metallic Epoxy Advantages
Epoxy Bathroom include two key, this is a clear base and powder. They mix to form a blend, producing a glossy, nice look effect after complete.
Room interior, or solid top. They move through the floor as it cures and can with a paintbrush or roller to create effects such as swirls, ripples, craters, or waves. When the Bathroom hardens, these powders are in place, resulting in a beautiful, nice look.
Each epoxy Bathroom is special due to the nature of the powder holding. Skill and mind are critical to achieving the appearance and feel of the surface.
Metallic Epoxy Bathroom include two key, this is a clear base and powder. They mix to form a blend, producing a glossy, nice look effect after complete.
Pour over the Metallic Epoxy Advantages, or solid top. They move through the floor as it cures and can with a paintbrush or roller to create effects such as swirls, ripples, craters, or waves. When the Epoxy hardens, these powders are in place, resulting in a beautiful, nice look.
Our Bathroom is special due to the nature of the powder holding. Skill and mind are critical to achieving the appearance and feel of the surface.
Metallic Design
Epoxy Bathroom include two key, this is a clear base and powder. They mix to form a blend, producing a glossy, nice look effect after complete.
Pour over the Bathroom, or solid top. They move through the floor as it cures and can with a paintbrush or roller to create effects such as swirls, ripples, craters, or waves. When the Bathroom hardens, these powders are in place, resulting in a beautiful, nice look.
Each epoxy Bathroom is special due to the nature of the powder holding. Skill and mind are critical to achieving the appearance and feel of the surface.
Metallic interior includes two key, this is a clear base and powder. They mix to form a blend, producing a glossy, nice look effect after complete.
Over the design, or solid top. They move through the floor as it cures and can with a paintbrush or roller to create effects such as swirls, ripples, craters, or waves. When the Epoxy hardens, these powders are in place, resulting in a beautiful, nice look.
Our Bathroom is special due to the nature of the powder holding. Skill and mind are critical to achieving the appearance and feel of the surface.
Metallic Epoxy Design
Epoxy design include two key, this is a clear base and powder. They mix to form a blend, producing a glossy, nice look effect after complete.
Pour over the living room, or solid top. They move through the floor as it cures and can with a paintbrush or roller to create effects such as swirls, ripples, craters, or waves. When the Bathroom hardens, these powders are in place, resulting in a beautiful, nice look.
Each epoxy Bathroom is special due to the nature of the powder holding. Skill and mind are critical to achieving the appearance and feel of the surface.
Metallic Epoxy interior includes two key, this is a clear base and powder. They mix to form a blend, producing a glossy, nice look effect after complete.
Pour over the Art Panel, or solid top. They move through the floor as it cures and can with a paintbrush or roller to create effects such as swirls, ripples, craters, or waves. When the Epoxy hardens, these powders are in place, resulting in a beautiful, nice look.
Our Bathroom is special due to the nature of the powder holding. Skill and mind are critical to achieving the appearance and feel of the surface.
Metallic Epoxy Interior
Design include two key, this is a clear base and powder. They mix to form a blend, producing a glossy, nice look effect after complete.
Our epoxu or solid top. They move through the floor as it cures and can with a paintbrush or roller to create effects such as swirls, ripples, craters, or waves. When the Bathroom hardens, these powders are in place, resulting in a beautiful, nice look.
Each epoxy Bathroom is special due to the nature of the powder holding. Skill and mind are critical to achieving the appearance and feel of the surface.
Design Space
Metallic Epoxy includes two key, this is a clear base and powder. They mix to form a blend, producing a glossy, nice look effect after complete.
The Minimalist Home Design interior move through the floor as it cures and can with a paintbrush or roller to create effects such as swirls, ripples, craters, or waves. When the Epoxy hardens, these powders are in place, resulting in a beautiful, nice look.
Our interior is special due to the nature of the powder holding. Skill and mind are critical to achieving the appearance and feel of the surface.
Metallic Epoxy for Metallic Epoxy Advantages
Epoxy Interior design include two key, this is a clear base and powder. They mix to form a blend, producing a glossy, nice look effect after complete.
Bathroom design ideas or solid top. They move through the floor as it cures and can with a paintbrush or roller to create effects such as swirls, ripples, craters, or waves. When the Bathroom hardens, these powders are in place, resulting in a beautiful, nice look.
Each epoxy Bathroom is special due to the nature of the powder holding. Skill and mind are critical to achieving the appearance and feel of the surface.
Introduction | Metallic Epoxy vs Conventional Materials
As durable as concrete whilst still being picturesque. A Metallic Epoxy Interior combines beauty and function for the most well-used parts of any home or office.
Fortunately for fans of this wonder material, the isn’t exclusive to the floor. They can be applied to many work surfaces such as countertops and various interior surfaces.
But just how well does Metallic Epoxy stand up to other conventional interior design materials?
The Contenders | Metallic Epoxy vs Conventional Materials
Here, we explore the characteristics of modern interior design materials.
Almost every work surface in the modern building is made of wood, stone, or composite material. A parquet floor in the living room, a quartz counter in the kitchen, or a vinyl floor in a barbershop.
While these materials have long been used for their aesthetic appeal or widespread availability, they do have some very major shortcomings.
Vinyl (Polyvinyl Chloride or PVC) | Metallic Epoxy vs Conventional Materials
Vinyl is a rubber-like material that has many qualities as a flooring material. It’s inexpensive and easy to install, is soft underfoot, and is durable.
However, it has many cons that outweigh its utility for most homeowners. Vinyl is manufactured from chemicals that cause it to emit volatile organic chemicals (VOCs). This can cause serious health problems.
Homeowners looking for long-term flooring solutions should note that besides yellowing over time. Damaged vinyl cannot be resurfaced and has to be entirely replaced.
Vinyl is also sensitive to corrosive chemicals, and cannot be cleaned with stronger cleaning agents. While it is stain-resistant, any contact with rubber, such as shoe soles or non-slip surfaces, results in permanent marks on the vinyl.
Parquet (Wood, Varnish) | Metallic Epoxy vs Conventional Materials
Parquet has innumerable varieties but generally entails laying sections of wood to form elegant patterns.
The surface is varnished to protect it from moisture or physical damage. As flooring, its appeal is largely aesthetic, and it requires careful maintenance to be long-lasting.
Its sole protection is a layer of varnish, which is prone to cracks and chips from sharp or heavy objects. Such damage exposes the underlying wood to moisture from spills or the atmosphere. Resulting in warping of the tile.
Repair costs vary, depending on the extent of the damage. This is generally expensive since it requires removing the old sections, acquiring and installing the new sections in the correct shades, and re-varnishing.
Laminate (Melamine Resin and Fibreboard Material) | Metallic Epoxy vs Conventional Materials
Laminate is a cheaper, popular alternative to wooden parquet flooring. It consists of a top layer made of wood chips or printed graphics, compressed beneath a melamine protective layer.
This gives the appearance of hardwood or stone tile. While relatively unremarkable, it is more water-resistant than parquet, better looking than vinyl, and ages well without fading.
However, it is still prone to warping when exposed to standing water, and vulnerable to dents or scratches from falling objects.
Notably, homeowners with a more refined palate generally feel it falls short of hardwood or ceramic tiles in terms of visual appeal.
Stone/Ceramic Tiles | Metallic Epoxy vs Conventional Materials
Stone and ceramic tiles are amazingly versatile. They come in myriad shapes of varying ceramic types.
Non-porous tiles are generally stain-resistant. However, tiles are notorious for two things, chips and cracks.
They are extremely vulnerable to physical damage from falling objects, or scratches from sharp items. Damaged tiles are a chore to repair since they are firmly mounted in cement.
Furthermore, they are always accompanied by grout to seal gaps between sections of stone or tile. Grout is highly porous and provides an ideal environment for mould or bacteria.
This results in black scum forming in humid locations like bathrooms or kitchen counters.
Quartz | Metallic Epoxy vs Conventional Materials
Quartz is a man-made stone used for many parts of interior design. They include from countertops to floor tiles.
While stain-resistant, it is certainly not stain-proof. Quartz is commonly treated with a petroleum-based resin to obtain its colour. This resin can react with chemicals from spillage. Examples include sauces or wine which results in permanent discolouration.
Quartz, like other stones, is also prone to chips and scratches from sharp objects or physical impact. Most notably, wet quartz is highly slippery and may cause accidents.
Click here to read more about the Pros & Cons of Quartz & Man Made Stones
Marble/Granite | Metallic Epoxy vs Conventional Materials
Marble is one of the most expensive and premium materials used for building interiors.
While it is highly treasured for its aesthetic appeal, it is undoubtedly the least practical material on this list. Marble is a much softer stone than granite or quartz, meaning it gets chipped or scratched easily.
It is also highly porous, so it stains readily and traps dirt and bacteria. Clean it often, you say. Unfortunately, marble is also sensitive to corrosive chemicals, which rules out many effective cleansers like bleach.
While granite is not as esteemed as marble, it is marginally tougher.
Metallic Epoxy
Metallic Epoxy is a wonder material that is spearheading the new age of modern interior design.
It is non-porous and chemically inert. Allowing it to be entirely stain-proof and suitable for efficient cleaning, even with strong cleaning agents.
It has high resistance to impact and scratches, as well as heat tolerance up to 200°C, make it very robust.
When properly installed and cared for, a Metallic Epoxy finishing provides greater protection than any other material. Therefore, it’s no surprise, as it becomes more readily available. It is soaring in popularity with homeowners.
Click here to read more about how Metallic Epoxy is Installed
Putting all Contenders to the Test
We now examine how each material performs in the flooring, countertop, and interior surface categories.
Floors | Metallic Epoxy vs Conventional Materials
Metallic Epoxy’s stain-proofing is a no-contest win for flooring, where spills often land. Porous surfaces like marble and ceramic tiles stain easily, while other non-porous surfaces like quartz and vinyl are only stain-resistant
Physical Resistance: Metallic Epoxy and vinyl come out on top for their ability to absorb physical impacts and resist scratches. A critical property for flooring to survive foot traffic, furniture movement, and accidents.
Metallic Epoxy comes out ahead of other non-porous surfaces (like vinyl and parquet) for its resistance to strong cleaning agents, while sharing their low viability for mould and bacteria. Especially crucial for bathroom and kitchen floors.
Metallic Epoxy doesn’t discolour or denature over time in an indoor setting. This is unlike other materials like quartz, which gradually fade in colour.
Countertops | Metallic Epoxy vs Conventional Materials
Stains: Metallic Epoxy wins again. Which is a good thing since counters take everything from pen ink to hot sauce
Physical Resistance: Metallic Epoxy. While countertops generally do not receive the abuse that floors do, they are still subjected to sharp objects like knives or tools.
Hygiene: Metallic Epoxy. Especially crucial for wet work like meat prep in kitchens.
Durability: Metallic Epoxy’s dominance here is debatable. While it doesn’t degrade over time, its heat resistance comes in front of quartz or ceramic tiles. Especially relevant in kitchens where hot pans or pots might make contact
Other Interior Surfaces (Tables, Vanities, Work Desks) | Metallic Epoxy vs Conventional Materials
Stains: Metallic Epoxy. Most relevant with dining tables.
Physical Resistance: Metallic Epoxy. The only option for protecting discrete pieces of furniture are either some form of varnish or an epoxy finish.
Hygiene: Metallic Epoxy keeps work surfaces clean and enables convenient cleanups.
Durability: Metallic Epoxy. Indisputably the best option.
More information which you may find useful
1) View our Past Works – Click Here
2) Metallic Epoxy Stress Test – Click Here
3) Metallic Epoxy Floorings – Click Here
4) Metallic Epoxy Art Panels – Click Here
5) Metallic Epoxy Countertops – Click Here
6) Metallic Epoxy Bathroom – Click Here
Metallic Epoxy vs Conventional Materials
Metallic Epoxy
The Metallic Epoxy vs Conventional Materials include two key, this is a clear base and powder. They mix to form a blend, producing a glossy, nice look effect after complete. Shop here and check out our other services here.
Pour over the Bathroom, or solid top. They move through the floor as it cures and can with a paintbrush or roller to create effects such as swirls, ripples, craters, or waves. When the Bathroom hardens, these powders are in place, resulting in a beautiful, nice look.
Each epoxy Bathroom is special due to the nature of the powder holding. Skill and mind are critical to achieving the appearance and feel of the surface.
Metallic Epoxy Bathroom include two key, this is a clear base and powder. They mix to form a blend, producing a glossy, nice look effect after complete.
The bathroom design ideas, or solid top. They move through the floor as it cures and can with a paintbrush or roller to create effects such as swirls, ripples, craters, or waves. When the Epoxy hardens, these powders are in place, resulting in a beautiful, nice look.
Our Bathroom is special due to the nature of the powder holding. Skill and mind are critical to achieving the appearance and feel of the surface.
Metallic Epoxy Advantages
Epoxy Bathroom include two key, this is a clear base and powder. They mix to form a blend, producing a glossy, nice look effect after complete.
Room interior, or solid top. They move through the floor as it cures and can with a paintbrush or roller to create effects such as swirls, ripples, craters, or waves. When the Bathroom hardens, these powders are in place, resulting in a beautiful, nice look.
Each epoxy Bathroom is special due to the nature of the powder holding. Skill and mind are critical to achieving the appearance and feel of the surface.
Metallic Epoxy Bathroom include two key, this is a clear base and powder. They mix to form a blend, producing a glossy, nice look effect after complete.
Pour over the Metallic Epoxy Advantages, or solid top. They move through the floor as it cures and can with a paintbrush or roller to create effects such as swirls, ripples, craters, or waves. When the Epoxy hardens, these powders are in place, resulting in a beautiful, nice look.
Our Bathroom is special due to the nature of the powder holding. Skill and mind are critical to achieving the appearance and feel of the surface.
Metallic Design
Epoxy Bathroom include two key, this is a clear base and powder. They mix to form a blend, producing a glossy, nice look effect after complete.
Pour over the Bathroom, or solid top. They move through the floor as it cures and can with a paintbrush or roller to create effects such as swirls, ripples, craters, or waves. When the Bathroom hardens, these powders are in place, resulting in a beautiful, nice look.
Each epoxy Bathroom is special due to the nature of the powder holding. Skill and mind are critical to achieving the appearance and feel of the surface.
Metallic interior includes two key, this is a clear base and powder. They mix to form a blend, producing a glossy, nice look effect after complete.
Over the design, or solid top. They move through the floor as it cures and can with a paintbrush or roller to create effects such as swirls, ripples, craters, or waves. When the Epoxy hardens, these powders are in place, resulting in a beautiful, nice look.
Our Bathroom is special due to the nature of the powder holding. Skill and mind are critical to achieving the appearance and feel of the surface.
Metallic Epoxy Design
Epoxy design include two key, this is a clear base and powder. They mix to form a blend, producing a glossy, nice look effect after complete.
Pour over the living room, or solid top. They move through the floor as it cures and can with a paintbrush or roller to create effects such as swirls, ripples, craters, or waves. When the Bathroom hardens, these powders are in place, resulting in a beautiful, nice look.
Each epoxy Bathroom is special due to the nature of the powder holding. Skill and mind are critical to achieving the appearance and feel of the surface.
Metallic Epoxy interior includes two key, this is a clear base and powder. They mix to form a blend, producing a glossy, nice look effect after complete.
Pour over the Art Panel, or solid top. They move through the floor as it cures and can with a paintbrush or roller to create effects such as swirls, ripples, craters, or waves. When the Epoxy hardens, these powders are in place, resulting in a beautiful, nice look.
Our Bathroom is special due to the nature of the powder holding. Skill and mind are critical to achieving the appearance and feel of the surface.
Metallic Epoxy Interior
Design include two key, this is a clear base and powder. They mix to form a blend, producing a glossy, nice look effect after complete.
Our epoxu or solid top. They move through the floor as it cures and can with a paintbrush or roller to create effects such as swirls, ripples, craters, or waves. When the Bathroom hardens, these powders are in place, resulting in a beautiful, nice look.
Each epoxy Bathroom is special due to the nature of the powder holding. Skill and mind are critical to achieving the appearance and feel of the surface.
Design Space
Metallic Epoxy includes two key, this is a clear base and powder. They mix to form a blend, producing a glossy, nice look effect after complete.
The Minimalist Home Design interior move through the floor as it cures and can with a paintbrush or roller to create effects such as swirls, ripples, craters, or waves. When the Epoxy hardens, these powders are in place, resulting in a beautiful, nice look.
Our interior is special due to the nature of the powder holding. Skill and mind are critical to achieving the appearance and feel of the surface.
Metallic Epoxy for Metallic Epoxy Advantages
Epoxy Interior design include two key, this is a clear base and powder. They mix to form a blend, producing a glossy, nice look effect after complete.
Bathroom design ideas or solid top. They move through the floor as it cures and can with a paintbrush or roller to create effects such as swirls, ripples, craters, or waves. When the Bathroom hardens, these powders are in place, resulting in a beautiful, nice look.
Each epoxy Bathroom is special due to the nature of the powder holding. Skill and mind are critical to achieving the appearance and feel of the surface.