Best Natural Stone for Interiors
Best Natural Stone for Interiors
Best Natural Stone for Interior Designs include two key, this is a clear base and powder. They mix to form a blend, producing a glossy, nice look effect after complete. Shop here and check out our other services here.
Pour over the Bathroom, or solid top. They move through the floor as it cures and can with a paintbrush or roller to create effects such as swirls, ripples, craters, or waves. When the Bathroom hardens, these powders are in place, resulting in a beautiful, nice look.
Each epoxy Bathroom is special due to the nature of the powder holding. Skill and mind are critical to achieving the appearance and feel of the surface.
Metallic Epoxy Bathroom include two key, this is a clear base and powder. They mix to form a blend, producing a glossy, nice look effect after complete.
Pour over the Art Panel, or solid top. They move through the floor as it cures and can with a paintbrush or roller to create effects such as swirls, ripples, craters, or waves. When the Epoxy hardens, these powders are in place, resulting in a beautiful, nice look.
Our Bathroom is special due to the nature of the powder holding. Skill and mind are critical to achieving the appearance and feel of the surface.
Metallic Epoxy Bathroom
Epoxy Bathroom include two key, this is a clear base and powder. They mix to form a blend, producing a glossy, nice look effect after complete.
Pour over the Bathroom, or solid top. They move through the floor as it cures and can with a paintbrush or roller to create effects such as swirls, ripples, craters, or waves. When the Bathroom hardens, these powders are in place, resulting in a beautiful, nice look.
Each epoxy Bathroom is special due to the nature of the powder holding. Skill and mind are critical to achieving the appearance and feel of the surface.
Metallic Epoxy Bathroom include two key, this is a clear base and powder. They mix to form a blend, producing a glossy, nice look effect after complete.
Pour over the Art Panel, or solid top. They move through the floor as it cures and can with a paintbrush or roller to create effects such as swirls, ripples, craters, or waves. When the Epoxy hardens, these powders are in place, resulting in a beautiful, nice look.
Our Bathroom is special due to the nature of the powder holding. Skill and mind are critical to achieving the appearance and feel of the surface.
Metallic Epoxy Bathroom
Epoxy Bathroom include two key, this is a clear base and powder. They mix to form a blend, producing a glossy, nice look effect after complete.
Pour over the Bathroom, or solid top. They move through the floor as it cures and can with a paintbrush or roller to create effects such as swirls, ripples, craters, or waves. When the Bathroom hardens, these powders are in place, resulting in a beautiful, nice look.
Each epoxy Bathroom is special due to the nature of the powder holding. Skill and mind are critical to achieving the appearance and feel of the surface.
Metallic Epoxy Bathroom include two key, this is a clear base and powder. They mix to form a blend, producing a glossy, nice look effect after complete.
Pour over the Art Panel, or solid top. They move through the floor as it cures and can with a paintbrush or roller to create effects such as swirls, ripples, craters, or waves. When the Epoxy hardens, these powders are in place, resulting in a beautiful, nice look.
Our Bathroom is special due to the nature of the powder holding. Skill and mind are critical to achieving the appearance and feel of the surface.
Metallic Epoxy Bathroom
Epoxy Bathroom include two key, this is a clear base and powder. They mix to form a blend, producing a glossy, nice look effect after complete.
Pour over the Bathroom, or solid top. They move through the floor as it cures and can with a paintbrush or roller to create effects such as swirls, ripples, craters, or waves. When the Bathroom hardens, these powders are in place, resulting in a beautiful, nice look.
Each epoxy Bathroom is special due to the nature of the powder holding. Skill and mind are critical to achieving the appearance and feel of the surface.
Metallic Epoxy Bathroom include two key, this is a clear base and powder. They mix to form a blend, producing a glossy, nice look effect after complete.
Pour over the Art Panel, or solid top. They move through the floor as it cures and can with a paintbrush or roller to create effects such as swirls, ripples, craters, or waves. When the Epoxy hardens, these powders are in place, resulting in a beautiful, nice look.
Our Bathroom is special due to the nature of the powder holding. Skill and mind are critical to achieving the appearance and feel of the surface.
Metallic Epoxy Bathroom
Epoxy Bathroom include two key, this is a clear base and powder. They mix to form a blend, producing a glossy, nice look effect after complete.
Pour over the Bathroom, or solid top. They move through the floor as it cures and can with a paintbrush or roller to create effects such as swirls, ripples, craters, or waves. When the Bathroom hardens, these powders are in place, resulting in a beautiful, nice look.
Each epoxy Bathroom is special due to the nature of the powder holding. Skill and mind are critical to achieving the appearance and feel of the surface.
Metallic Epoxy Bathroom include two key, this is a clear base and powder. They mix to form a blend, producing a glossy, nice look effect after complete.
Pour over the Art Panel, or solid top. They move through the floor as it cures and can with a paintbrush or roller to create effects such as swirls, ripples, craters, or waves. When the Epoxy hardens, these powders are in place, resulting in a beautiful, nice look.
Our Bathroom is special due to the nature of the powder holding. Skill and mind are critical to achieving the appearance and feel of the surface.
Metallic Epoxy Bathroom
Best Natural Stone for Interior Designs
Epoxy Bathroom include two key, this is a clear base and powder. They mix to form a blend, producing a glossy, nice look effect after complete.
Pour over the Bathroom, or solid top. They move through the floor as it cures and can with a paintbrush or roller to create effects such as swirls, ripples, craters, or waves. When the Bathroom hardens, these powders are in place, resulting in a beautiful, nice look.
Each epoxy Bathroom is special due to the nature of the powder holding. Skill and mind are critical to achieving the appearance and feel of the surface.
Metallic Epoxy Bathroom include two key, this is a clear base and powder. They mix to form a blend, producing a glossy, nice look effect after complete.
Pour over the Art Panel, or solid top. They move through the floor as it cures and can with a paintbrush or roller to create effects such as swirls, ripples, craters, or waves. When the Epoxy hardens, these powders are in place, resulting in a beautiful, nice look.
Our Bathroom is special due to the nature of the powder holding. Skill and mind are critical to achieving the appearance and feel of the surface.
Guide to Selecting the Perfect Natural Stone for your Interiors (Part 2) | Best Natural Stone for Interiors
Is there such a thing as the best natural rock for your home? If you’re leaning towards natural rock for your house, today’s post is right up your alley!
In the second and final instalment of this two-part series. We explore another set of natural rock media commonly used for interior surfacing and how they stand up against one another.
If you have not already seen the Natural Stones Home Design, check out part one here!
Introduction | Best Natural Stone for Interiors
Our criteria for judging today’s selection of natural rock media is the same as part one. Common hazards in a house include physical trauma, spilt beverages or food, bacteria or mould growth, and harsh cleaning chemicals.
Today, we explore four new types of rock media.

Corian | Best Natural Stone for Interiors
We know, calling Corian natural is a bit of a stretch. Corian is a material invented by DuPont.
It is made of acrylic polymer, a synthetic binder, and alumina trihydrate, the rock part of the equation. Alumina trihydrate is extracted from bauxite ore, which is a sedimentary rock with a high aluminium content.

Physical Resistance: 3/10
Unfortunately, Corian is pretty lacking in its physical durability. It has a hardness of 2-3 on the Mohs scale of hardness, marginally stronger than your fingernail.
This means it scratches easily. It is also not the most resistant to physical impact.

Stain Resistance: 5/10
Corian is mildly porous. The material is stain & water resistant. However, prolonged exposure to dark liquids like tea can cause light brown stains to form.

Biological Resistance: 4/10
This category indicates how prone the material is to hosting bacteria and mould growth.
The same concern we had for stain resistance regarding the mildly porous surface is present here as well. It traps a certain degree of bacteria-feeding organic debris in its surface. Porous surface will shelter bacteria and mould.
Chemical Resistance: 3/10
Corian has poor resistance to chemical corrosion and will suffer anything from gentle cleansers to bleach. Solvent-based cleansers have also been known to damage the material.
Marble | Best Natural Stone for Interiors
Marble is a form of limestone that, under extreme heat and pressure, has been transformed into a mix of crystallised minerals. This gives the material its coveted and characteristic look, putting it in a class of its own for aesthetics.
However, marble is severely lacking in its practical aspects.

Physical Resistance: 4/10
Marble is often compared to granite since both are the most common whole-slab rocks used.
However, marble’s physical durability pales in comparison, with a miserly rating of 3-5 on the Mohs scale. It’s reputation as a ‘soft stone’ comes from its tendency to crack or chip under impact.

Stain Resistance: 3/10
Marble is highly porous and slightly absorbent. It can be physically stained by trapping sediments from dark liquids or dirt.
A whole host of substances can also cause it to be chemically stained, even ones as mild as slightly alkaline water. Marble with a high iron content acquires rust stains in a humid environment.

Biological Resistance: 3/10
The many pores on the surface of marble trap organic debris that feed and shelter bacteria and mould.
Without constant, thorough cleaning. Marble surfaces, especially in the kitchen and bathroom, can quickly grow a layer of black scum.
Chemical Resistance: 3/10
Marble has a high content of reactive minerals, making it a nightmare to clean without specialised marble cleansers.
Your only options, besides the former, are pH-neutral gentle soaps and a soft brush or sponge.

Slate | Best Natural Stone for Interiors
Slate is naturally formed from clay or volcanic ash compressed under extremely high heat and pressure.
This process forms a fine-grained and homogenous rock that has characteristic rock layers.

Physical Resistance: 4.5/10
With a rating of 5 on the Mohs scale, Slate is fairly scratch-resistant.
However, it doesn’t hold up well to impacts and may break off in flakes or chips when struck from certain angles.
Stain Resistance: 4/10
Slate has fewer pores than marble and is passably stain-resistant in day to day use. However, dark liquids like coffee or wine can still stain light coloured slate.
Biological Resistance: 4/10
Owing to its lower porosity, slate does not trap as much organic debris or bacteria as marble. However, it still requires regular cleaning to avoid a build up of scum.
Chemical Resistance: 6/10
For a natural rock, slate has a wonderfully high chemical resistance. In fact, its chemical resistance is so cherished that it is frequently used for laboratory benchtops.
Strong household cleansers should not prove an issue for the material.
Travertine | Best Natural Stone for Interiors
Travertine is an interesting form of limestone that results from accumulated minerals around hot springs.
It has been used in the construction of many famous historical sites in Rome. They include, the Colonnade of St. Peter’s Square and the dome of St. Peter’s Basilica.

Physical Resistance: 4/10
Much like marble, its historical significance was a matter of availability and aesthetics. Travertine has a rating of 3-4 on the Mohs scale.
It scratches and chips as easily as marble.
Stain Resistance: 3/10
Travertine is a highly porous material that absorbs liquids such as wine or coffee.
It stains readily and darkens as it traps dirt.
Biological Resistance: 3/10
Almost as porous as marble. Travertine will trap organic debris and bacteria unless it is polished and sealed.
Regular cleaning is recommended to prevent build-up of scum.
Chemical Resistance: 3/10
One of the main components of travertine is calcium carbonate. This is a rather reactive mineral that puts it in the same class as marble for chemical resistance.
Only special cleansers or gentle, pH-neutral soaps should be used on the material.
Conclusion | Best Natural Stone for Interiors
Natural rock media is most valued for its characteristic look and unique aesthetic.
Each may fare well in their own sets of category. However do note, they are all made of natural stones and age through time. Therefore constant upkeep or maintenance will still be required from time to time.

Alternative Solution | Best Natural Stone for Interiors
Having seen most types of stone media, you may have made up your mind one way or another.
If the stone is not for you, you may wish to consider Metallic Epoxy, an objectively uncontested material for interior surfacing. Besides rating incredibly highly in EVERY category. The material offers a vast expanse of design options, limited only by your imagination.
Head over to the rest of our blog for more on what Metallic Epoxy is, how is Metallic Epoxy installed, and how it ranks against other materials.
If you have not already seen our previous posts on marble, hardwood, laminate or vinyl. Check them out for a more informed decision on home refurbishment or interior surface material choices!
You may also be interested in
More Metallic Epoxy Stone Designs – Click Here
Benefits of Metallic Epoxy – Click Here
The Three Best Materials For Your Bathroom – Click Here
The Three Best Materials For Your Kitchen – Click Here
Best Natural Stones for Home (Part 1) – Click Here
More information which you may find useful
1) Metallic Epoxy Stress Test – Click Here
2) Metallic Epoxy Floorings – Click Here
3) Metallic Epoxy Art Panels – Click Here
4) Metallic Epoxy Countertops – Click Here
5) Metallic Epoxy Bathroom – Click Here
Best Natural Stone for Interiors
Best Natural Stone for Interior Designs include two key, this is a clear base and powder. They mix to form a blend, producing a glossy, nice look effect after complete. Shop here and check out our other services here.
Pour over the Bathroom, or solid top. They move through the floor as it cures and can with a paintbrush or roller to create effects such as swirls, ripples, craters, or waves. When the Bathroom hardens, these powders are in place, resulting in a beautiful, nice look.
Each epoxy Bathroom is special due to the nature of the powder holding. Skill and mind are critical to achieving the appearance and feel of the surface.
Metallic Epoxy Bathroom include two key, this is a clear base and powder. They mix to form a blend, producing a glossy, nice look effect after complete.
Pour over the Art Panel, or solid top. They move through the floor as it cures and can with a paintbrush or roller to create effects such as swirls, ripples, craters, or waves. When the Epoxy hardens, these powders are in place, resulting in a beautiful, nice look.
Our Bathroom is special due to the nature of the powder holding. Skill and mind are critical to achieving the appearance and feel of the surface.
Metallic Epoxy Bathroom
Epoxy Bathroom include two key, this is a clear base and powder. They mix to form a blend, producing a glossy, nice look effect after complete.
Pour over the Bathroom, or solid top. They move through the floor as it cures and can with a paintbrush or roller to create effects such as swirls, ripples, craters, or waves. When the Bathroom hardens, these powders are in place, resulting in a beautiful, nice look.
Each epoxy Bathroom is special due to the nature of the powder holding. Skill and mind are critical to achieving the appearance and feel of the surface.
Metallic Epoxy Bathroom include two key, this is a clear base and powder. They mix to form a blend, producing a glossy, nice look effect after complete.
Pour over the Art Panel, or solid top. They move through the floor as it cures and can with a paintbrush or roller to create effects such as swirls, ripples, craters, or waves. When the Epoxy hardens, these powders are in place, resulting in a beautiful, nice look.
Our Bathroom is special due to the nature of the powder holding. Skill and mind are critical to achieving the appearance and feel of the surface.
Metallic Epoxy Bathroom
Epoxy Bathroom include two key, this is a clear base and powder. They mix to form a blend, producing a glossy, nice look effect after complete.
Pour over the Bathroom, or solid top. They move through the floor as it cures and can with a paintbrush or roller to create effects such as swirls, ripples, craters, or waves. When the Bathroom hardens, these powders are in place, resulting in a beautiful, nice look.
Each epoxy Bathroom is special due to the nature of the powder holding. Skill and mind are critical to achieving the appearance and feel of the surface.
Metallic Epoxy Bathroom include two key, this is a clear base and powder. They mix to form a blend, producing a glossy, nice look effect after complete.
Pour over the Art Panel, or solid top. They move through the floor as it cures and can with a paintbrush or roller to create effects such as swirls, ripples, craters, or waves. When the Epoxy hardens, these powders are in place, resulting in a beautiful, nice look.
Our Bathroom is special due to the nature of the powder holding. Skill and mind are critical to achieving the appearance and feel of the surface.
Metallic Epoxy Bathroom
Epoxy Bathroom include two key, this is a clear base and powder. They mix to form a blend, producing a glossy, nice look effect after complete.
Pour over the Bathroom, or solid top. They move through the floor as it cures and can with a paintbrush or roller to create effects such as swirls, ripples, craters, or waves. When the Bathroom hardens, these powders are in place, resulting in a beautiful, nice look.
Each epoxy Bathroom is special due to the nature of the powder holding. Skill and mind are critical to achieving the appearance and feel of the surface.
Metallic Epoxy Bathroom include two key, this is a clear base and powder. They mix to form a blend, producing a glossy, nice look effect after complete.
Pour over the Art Panel, or solid top. They move through the floor as it cures and can with a paintbrush or roller to create effects such as swirls, ripples, craters, or waves. When the Epoxy hardens, these powders are in place, resulting in a beautiful, nice look.
Our Bathroom is special due to the nature of the powder holding. Skill and mind are critical to achieving the appearance and feel of the surface.
Metallic Epoxy Bathroom
Epoxy Bathroom include two key, this is a clear base and powder. They mix to form a blend, producing a glossy, nice look effect after complete.
Pour over the Bathroom, or solid top. They move through the floor as it cures and can with a paintbrush or roller to create effects such as swirls, ripples, craters, or waves. When the Bathroom hardens, these powders are in place, resulting in a beautiful, nice look.
Each epoxy Bathroom is special due to the nature of the powder holding. Skill and mind are critical to achieving the appearance and feel of the surface.
Metallic Epoxy Bathroom include two key, this is a clear base and powder. They mix to form a blend, producing a glossy, nice look effect after complete.
Pour over the Art Panel, or solid top. They move through the floor as it cures and can with a paintbrush or roller to create effects such as swirls, ripples, craters, or waves. When the Epoxy hardens, these powders are in place, resulting in a beautiful, nice look.
Our Bathroom is special due to the nature of the powder holding. Skill and mind are critical to achieving the appearance and feel of the surface.
Metallic Epoxy Bathroom
Best Natural Stone for Interior Designs
Epoxy Bathroom include two key, this is a clear base and powder. They mix to form a blend, producing a glossy, nice look effect after complete.
Pour over the Bathroom, or solid top. They move through the floor as it cures and can with a paintbrush or roller to create effects such as swirls, ripples, craters, or waves. When the Bathroom hardens, these powders are in place, resulting in a beautiful, nice look.
Each epoxy Bathroom is special due to the nature of the powder holding. Skill and mind are critical to achieving the appearance and feel of the surface.
Metallic Epoxy Bathroom include two key, this is a clear base and powder. They mix to form a blend, producing a glossy, nice look effect after complete.
Pour over the Art Panel, or solid top. They move through the floor as it cures and can with a paintbrush or roller to create effects such as swirls, ripples, craters, or waves. When the Epoxy hardens, these powders are in place, resulting in a beautiful, nice look.
Our Bathroom is special due to the nature of the powder holding. Skill and mind are critical to achieving the appearance and feel of the surface.